Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions are available for download.  Click the appropriate item to see a brief description and a link to a PDF copy.

These Terms and Conditions are for our customers and apply to all Sunhillo quotations and customer orders. The full terms are available here.

These terms and conditions are for our suppliers and apply to all purchase orders placed by Sunhillo.  The full terms are available here.

Our standard Software EULA applies to all software licensed by Sunhillo, with the exception of software purchased through our GSA contract.  The full terms are available here. The full terms of the Software EULA for software licensed through our GSA contract are available here.
These Terms and Conditions cover an extended hardware repair service purchased outside of the warranty period.  The full terms >are available here. Customers wishing to purchase extended hardware repair should contact sales@sunhillo.com.
These Terms and Conditions cover an extended software maintenance and support service purchased outside of the warranty period.  The full terms are available here. Customers wishing to purchase extended software maintenance and support should contact sales@sunhillo.com.

Sunhillo’s FLOSS Statement details the Free/Libre Open-Source Software (FLOSS) that is included as part of Sunhillo software content, along with the associated license terms. A copy may be downloaded here.

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