ASTERIX Solutions
Please contact to upgrade your current SureLine product or purchase Sunhillo’s ASTERIX Solutions.

Sunhillo’s core business for over 30 years is Surveillance Data Distribution & Conversion of mission-critical data. ASTERIX is one of the primary sources of mission-critical data that Sunhillo has become an expert in. Sunhillo has developed a large catalog of ASTERIX categories and can provide conversion from one protocol to another utilizing our SureLine® Software and beyond that we have a host of additional capabilities to grant ANSPs and users across the globe a user friendly way to modify, filter, and validate ASTERIX data. Sunhillo’s ASTERIX solutions are built into our SureLine software and can be unlocked on your current SureLine product or when purchasing a new Sunhillo SureLine product like our RICI or Brigantine SGP.
ASTERIX Capabilities
Frames incoming messages in ASTERIX format
Packs or unpacks multiple ASTERIX messages into a single packet
Modify the SIC/SAC value in an ASTERIX message
Process specific ASTERIX category messages and potentially alter the CAT048 Weather message scale
Drop specific FRNs from an ASTERIX category and variant of messages by entering each Data Item (FRN) to filter out
Filters data items 50 & 60 (status) from ASTERIX CAT034 Sector mark, and optionally North mark, messages
ASTERIX Validator
ASTERIX Validation is mainly used to protect downstream systems from bad data. ASTERIX is complex and not all systems handle getting unexpected or corrupted data well, putting the ASTERIX validator before an Air traffic Automation System can prevent malformed or unexpectedly formatted data from causing a critical failure.
- ASTERIX validator examines each ASTERIX message against a schema and discards messages that do not match, protecting down stream systems from getting bad data. The validator checks for the following:
- Correct Frame Lengths
- Required FRNs
- Valid field values
- Sunhillo provides schemas for popular categories and variants and allows customers to create their own with Sunhillo’s AML (ASTERIX Markup Language) files. Some of the current categories:
- CAT 001 v1.2, vASR11, vAUSTRALIA
- CAT 002 v1.0, vASR11, vAUSTRALIA
- CAT 008 v1.2
- CAT 021 v0.23, v0.26, v2.1, v2.4
- CAT 023 vFAAv3
- CAT 033 vFAAv3
- CAT 062 v1.16
- CAT 063 v1.1
- CAT 065 v1.4
ASTERIX Data Modifier
The ASTERIX Data Modifier allows users to modify the content of outgoing ASTERIX messages without the data having to be converted to the SureLine generic message format in the data flow.
- Present – If the Comparator Data Item is present in the message
- Not Present – If the Comparator Data Item is not present in the message
- Equal – If the Comparator Data Field [Comparator Sub Field] is equal to the Comparator Value
- Not Equal – If the Comparator Data Field [Comparator Sub Field] does not equal the Comparator Value
- Greater Than – If the Comparator Data Field [Comparator Sub Field] is greater than the Comparator Value
- Less Than – If the Comparator Data Field [Comparator Sub Field] is less than the Comparator Value
- Between Range – If the Comparator Data Field [Comparator Sub Field] is between Comparator Value X and Comparator Value Y
- Outside of Range – If the Comparator Data Field [Comparator Sub Field] is not between Comparator Value X and Comparator Value Y
- Drop Message – the entire message will be dropped
- Drop Field – the field indicated by Action Data Item will be dropped
- Set – the field/sub-field indicated by Action Data Item [and optionally Action Sub Field] will set to Action Value
- Increment – the contents of the Action Data Item/Action Data Field /Action Sub Field will be incremented by the Action Value
- Decrement – the contents of the Action Data Item/Action Data Field /Action Sub Field will be incremented by the Action Value
SureLine Software Suite
The software suite that powers Sunhillo’s RICI, Longport, Margate II ADS‑B, Ventnor, and Brigantine series products continues to provide the extensive feature-set, high-level performance, and full access to each product’s respective hardware interfaces that you’ve come to expect from Sunhillo.
For the full set of radar protocol conversions and supported plug‑ins please follow the SureLine link.